My name is Gaby, I’m 22 years old and I’m from Mexico City. My biggest passions are reading and traveling… especially when it comes to the Old Continent. I’m still studying my senior year of college, so I have a last chance to do something big in my life and stay away from Mexico for a long period before I start working seriously!
How did I decide to stay in Sofia? Well, I’ve always been interested in the Balkans area. Not just for the vast and varied geography, but also for its history. I’m passionate about history and geography, so last year I decided to start the journey across the mysterious Balkan countries.
I arrived in Sofia after visiting Belgrade, Serbia, and I met my (now) boyfriend who showed me some local bars and essential monuments in the city center. No doubt Sofia was placed as my favorite city. I was shocked with the Aleksander Nevsky cathedral and from that moment it is my favorite building.
Being able to participate in the Free Sofia Walking Tour on the first days was the best choice I made because they were talking about the history and they recommended some very good places, too. (They even sang the National Anthem!)
I visited the National Museum of History and I realized not only was the museum breathtaking, but the view and the nature which was surrounding the Museum was heart-stopping. Without hesitating, Vitosha was my favorite spot to admire the city, even though there were some rainy days, the city was still magnificent.
Anyway, just as in every other city, it has its excellent moments and its bad moments. The only time I took a tram which was taking me to the Museum, I didn’t know how to use the tram ticket, so the control people took me off the tram and I got a fine and some bad Bulgarian words as well (at least, I think so)… I mean, I’m a Latin woman! I’m used to warm and friendly contact!
At first, I thought the difference between the languages was going to be a problem; I mean, people not speaking Spanish (yes, sure) or even English, and me not speaking a word in Bulgarian, it seemed like a big obstacle between us; nevertheless, it is one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever lived… every time I ask people to explain something about Bulgaria and they don’t speak fluent English, this glimpse in their eyes pops out and they start to communicate with signs and body movements to show how gorgeous their country is. I get everything and I feel every single move they are making.
Explaining things without words can be beneficial too. I have realized how much people love their country and how proud they are to be Bulgarians. It is a feeling you cant explain. Just by looking at people’s excitement and Bulgarian pride makes me shiver.
I love my country and I can’t explain with words how amazing Mexico is, but to explain it as Bulgarians show their feelings about their country is something I wasn’t expecting and something I’ll treasure with me all my life.
I wasn’t in the city for a long time, but it was enough for me to come back to visit it deeper and stay here as a local. And so now I begin my journey here in Sofia …

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