The TV tower, or Kopitoto as it’s better known as in Bulgaria stands 186 metres tall at the top of Mount Vitosha in Sofia.
This concrete tower can be seen from everywhere in Sofia making it a famous landmark.
When I first arrived in Sofia many people asked me if I’d been up to the TV tower to see the views of Sofia. Apparently from that place the views across the whole city were spectacular and it was a popular hang-out for the locals to sit and enjoy their city from the peace and tranquility above.
Naturally I wanted to see what they were talking about so one evening we jumped in the car and headed up to the top of Mount Vitosha. The road is long and bumpy as it winds around the mountain. As you climb, the views are beautiful and the air feels immediately cleaner and fresher. The mountain itself is a natural beauty, the roads are lined with a variety of trees including Bulgarian Fir and Macedonian Pine. You’ll also find natural springs and cute little wooden bridges along the way.
Once we reached the top the enormity of the tower was obvious. From the city you can see it standing proudly at the top of the mountain but it’s really not possible to comprehend the size of this tower until you are standing at its feet! The area of the tower is fenced off for security but we walked around and found an old unused ski lift station. It was covered in graffiti and empty beer bottles so I had a suspicion this was the place that the young people of Sofia would spend their Friday nights out of the city! Just be very careful where you walk, especially if it’s dark as there are holes in the ground around the old ski lift, broken glass on the floor and also some pretty steep drops when you get out on to the mountain. It’s a great place to see but do stay safe.
When we stepped outside we were welcomed with the most breathtaking view of Sofia … It really wasn’t difficult to see why people were bragging about this place so much. We found a quiet spot and sat back admiring this wonderful city and watched the sunset. Stunning!

So now it’s my turn to tell you … you really, really have to go and see the views of Sofia from the famous TV Tower!
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